Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Specimen #1 Lichen

                                               Figure 1: Upper surface of Parmelia showing color, substrate
                                                                 and form of the lichen.

                                          Figure 2:  Dark brown lower surface with mostly
                                                          marginal dark colored rhizines

                                          Figure 3: Lichen taken from the adjacent corticolous substrate

                                         Figure 4: Close up of Parmelia sulcata.

Figure 5: Lower surface with scattered rhizines evident

Figure 6: Close up of upper surface showing white-maculate areas and white edges, gray-green color 

Name: Parmelia sulcata 
Common Name: Taylor Hammered Sheild Lichen    
Family:  Parmeliaceae
Collection Date: 04/18/2011
Habitat: Slightly wooded front lawn, corticolous (bark) on Silver Maple, Acer saccharinum
Location: Geauga County, South Russell, Ohio
Description: Foliose, flattened, gray-green dorsal surface, brown, tan ventral surface, rhizines evident and brown, mostly scattered and near margins, white maculate near lobe tips
Collector:  Willa S. Schrlau
Keying Information:
Keyed using Lichen Identification Flow Chart and Lichen Descriptions:   Emily Holt. 2003. Oregon State University
Keying steps:
Color - Top green
Mostly Flat
Underside darker
Underside with hairs (rhizines)

Also keyed using Showman, R.E and Flenniken D.G. 2004. The Macrolichens of Ohio. Ohio Biological Survey, Columbus, Ohio.
Pgs. 18- 23  Key to the Genera of Ohio Macrolichens
Keying steps:
1 - Thallus foliose -2
2 - Thallus some shade of gray, green.....4
4 - Thallus thick or thin,m not gelatinous when wet.....6
6 -Rhizines present from lower surface....11
11 - Perithecia absent....13
13- Thallus not umbilicate, broadly attched to the substrate with scattered rhizines; ....on bark - 15
15 - Thallus containing green algae - 19
19 - Medulla white....24
24 - Thallus various, but without paw-shaped....lob tips 26
26 - Lower surface with sparse to moderate or occasionally numerous rhizines....28
28 - .....lobes variable in width 29
29 - Lower surface with a cortex throughout....30
30 - Thallus without pores.....white-maculate 35
35 - Thallus some shade of gray, gray-green.....36
36 - Thallus some gray, color 38
38 - Lobes generally narrow and linear, 0.5 - 6 mm wide....42
42 - Undersurface black 49
49 - Lower surface smooth, corticate and shiny, black to dark brown near the margins 50
50 - Upper surface with distinct white markings towards the tips of the lobes.....Parmelia
page 142  Key to Species
1 - Thallus sorediate......P. sulcata

Ecology pg 143 (Showman and Flenniken, 2004) 
Common in Ohio on tree bark.  A pioneer species.  Tolerant to air pollution.

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